The path was still narrow and dim. Their feet were sliding softly on dry forest leaves. The wind was blowing pretty well. Musical melodies of forest creatures filled the air, resonating through the forest in echoes. After about forty minutes or so trek, Ekoyata saw increased light infiltrating the forest. Trees grew shorter. It was more of grasses and shrubs than gigantic trees now. The grasses were brownish-yellow and Ekoyata knew that they were actually burned by the dry harmattan weather. There were farms now on the sides of the road. Gloria showed him yam farms, rice farms and cassava farms. Ekoyata saw that the yam and the rice farms had been harvested. But their stubbles were still on the farms. As the world unwind in front of them, the land began to rise too. The grasses also got shorter and paler. Then, Ekoyata saw a vast naked land sprawling ahead of them. And he understood their need of endurance if they would ever get to the hilltop. When ...
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